TIPS FOR GETTING PREGNANT Once you've decided you want a baby, the last thing you want to do is wait! It's not an exact science but there are certain things you can do to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Here are some of the best tips for getting pregnant. TIPS FOR GETTING PREGNANT 1. Have sex: If a safe and unprotected sex for getting pregnant. More than 84% of couples were happy with this tip and it is the main tips for getting pregnant. 2. Know your cycle: Tips for getting pregnant include you to know your menstrual cycle. Though you practice safe sex for a month. 3. Folic acid and a checkup: Women who wanted to get pregnant should take a minimum amount of 400mcg folic acid supplement each day. As folic acid plays a vital role in developing a baby and his organs. So it is one of the best tips for getting pregnant. 4. De-stress: Most of the couples lead hectic schedules of their career with lots of things going o...